Let's talk, cook, eat and live!

March 8, 2021
For the past couple of months I along with the rest of the UK, have been in lockdown. Those not familiar with lockdown let me take a second to explain lockdown. In short, it means everything is closed except essential stores and businesses. You can go outside for exercise and groceries. You can have a "social bubble" with only one other person outside your household. There are some additional rules but I will not bore you with the details. Just know lockdown has limited our engagement with others and has basically halted any sort of social life. Lockdown has made it difficult to see and connect with our family and friends. But on the bright side lockdowns have inspired brand new ideas and ways to stay connected. What is one of those ways you may ask? The gift of food.
Many of us are really missing going out with friends for drinks and dinner. I would dare say if you took a poll dinner with family and friends would be the number one thing people miss. At least the top # 1-3. Sharing food! There's something about sitting with others and sharing food that has always been a passion and shared throughout many, if not all, cultures. We share food when we are happy. We share food when we are sad. We share food in celebration of life's achievements. We even share food to mourn life's losses. Food binds us together. Binding together is very much a challenge these days. So what better way to stay connected than with the gift of food.
As you know, I have a love for my locals. I especially love my local butcher Parson's Nose. So imagine how thrilled I was when I received a gift box of food delivered by Parson's Nose. It was a very creative and thoughtful gift from one of my close friends. How clever I thought! The gift box included lots of fresh vegetables, a few essentials like eggs, a hearty Parson's Nose leek and potato soup as well as a couple of specialty food items. We have Alcubilla Spanish ham. Cheddar cheese from Westcombe Dairy in Somerset. Something I haven't tried before but I am looking forward to tasting Parson's Nose's own Pheasant Pate with Armagnac. This calls for making some Melba toast I think! And last, but not least a chef-created ready meal. The Catalan Beef Short Rib & Chorizo Stew is delicious. I've had this one before and it's actually my favourite. I am so happy with my gift box. I'm looking forward to trying everything which includes some new items and cooking up a few vegetarian meals with the gorgeous selection of veggies!
So even though we are in lockdown and not able to sit together with friends at a restaurant or the dining table in our own homes we can still share our love of food. We can send our family and friends a box of food from their locals. Trust me when I say it will put a big smile on their faces. Especially if they love to cook and indulge in a few special treats. Plus, another bonus is it supports our locals which is ever so important. Maybe even send yourself a box and do a Zoom cook-off. Then when dinner is done eat and enjoy a chat and a glass of wine.
The point is just because we are in lockdown doesn't mean we can't still bind ourselves together through food. It's a special gift that may eliminate a few frustrating and challenging trips to the grocer. A gift that inspires one to make themselves a special and nutritious meal instead of ordering a takeaway. Something that gives someone the chance to discover and taste something they may not have thought to try before. It may even inspire them to do a little dance while unpacking their gift box. Or was that just me? Sharing food in modern times doesn't always have to be across the table from each other. Even though that's the preferred way. We can share the gift of food from several blocks away to across the pond. So the next time you want to put a smile on someone's face? Don't do it with flowers. Do it with food! It's the next best thing until we can be there sharing together!
Take Care