Let's talk, cook, eat and live!

July 6, 2020
Well, it all began a couple of years ago, this seed that's rolled around in my head for the past two years or maybe a little more. I began a vision board around this concept of what does life look like and mean to me as I entered my fifties. Fifties??? Is this where it all begins or is this where it ends? Well! We definitely know this is not where it ends. Not even close. But it does pause us to reflect and ask ourselves are we where we want to be mentally, physically, emotionally and frankly are we seeing in the mirror the person we want to see?
So as all of this rolled around in my head I did my own checklist of how I felt about my life. An inventory so to speak. As I did my inventory I realized how different my life compared to the average woman in her fifties. How my journey in life is very different from others my age. But wait, is it that different? I don't think it is that different. My life is very similar to many of my friends. We've actually learned to stop talking about it because inevitably the questions of kids, marriage, all the other norms come into play. And frankly we just got tired of having to provide answers. I think it's just something we don't talk about because who do we talk about it with? Then on top of that when people find out my actual age they are often astonished because it's said I look much younger than my age. But then the questions start again.
Then one day I had a "light bulb" moment. While looking at my checklist I once again said to myself on paper my life is not that of the average fifty+ year old woman. That I'm living a life I love but that life doesn't reflect my age on paper but my emotional and physical age. My age is actually only reflected on my birth certificate because most people meeting me never think I'm close to being 50 for several reasons. My age is..."Only On Paper!" That's how this concept began and the idea to create a blog to address how maybe other women or men feel about this subject. How others may want to step outside the norms and explore more things life has to offer but they feel because they are of a particular age their time has passed them by. Or how can they keep that youthful energy alive or on the other hand how can they reawaken the youthful girl or boy they once knew. What things can we do to keep that bounce in our step, get our glow on and rejuvenate the mind and the body. Continually keeping the fire stoking as they say.
"Only On Paper" will discuss all of these subjects, explore and incorporate the other categories on my blog to help get us there and keep us glowing. How food, cooking and self care helps to keep us youthful and radiant. How travel fills the soul, the mind and keeps you going and beaming with anticipation! So I look forward to sharing something that has been on my mind for so long and I've finally fulfilled a dream and ticking off another box on the vision board.
Take care