This weekend marks the end of May. The beginning of June. Most of all it marks the beginning of summer. In the USA this is Memorial Day weekend which honors and mourns military members that sacrificed their lives and served the country. In the UK this same weekend is a spring bank holiday weekend. But, this weekend, no matter which side of the pond you are on, the holiday weekend is very special and is giving us new meaning. It was only 12 months ago this weekend wasn't filled with celebration. In our hearts, we still felt and understood the meaning of the Memorial Day weekend in the USA but we were also learning the hard realities of not being able to celebrate with those we love.
So I feel this holiday weekend is very special because one year later we can celebrate, we can hug and we can be around the people we have missed. So I wish all of you a very lovely weekend. It's time to shut off the computer, put the mobile on vibrate (I would say shut it off but I feel baby steps are needed), and take the time to reconnect. Embrace those around you. And as you sit sharing a bottle of wine, a plate of food, and stories about the craziness of the past year. take a moment to look around and take it all in. It's a special one and I for one will never ever take it for granted ever again.
Take care and have a happy holiday!